Defending You Against Homicide Charges
If you are charged with homicide, your life and your future is at stake in the outcome. The sooner you put your case in the hands of an experienced defense attorney, the better off you will be.
At Cataldo Law Offices, L.L.C., our lawyers are here to protect your rights if you are accused of murder, vehicular homicide or any other serious crime. Our law office is in Franklin, also available in Wellesley, and we represent clients in the Boston metro area and throughout Massachusetts. Call 508-570-2025 for a free initial consultation.
What You Should Do If You Are Accused Of Murder
If you are accused of murder, you have the right to remain silent and seek legal counsel. At no time in your life is it more important to do this.
You may want to defend yourself against the accusation, but any statements you make can be used against you. By saying anything, you could give police information they didn’t have before. That evidence can give the police probable cause to arrest you. It may also make them rule out certain defenses.
Our attorneys work closely with you to carefully review the facts of your case and any other relevant circumstances. We will provide the information and honest assessments of your options so you can make good decisions regarding your own defense. At every stage of your case, we will keep you involved and prepare you for what to expect.
In representing you, our lawyers will aggressively challenge the police methods and prosecution’s evidence at every opportunity. We are not afraid to take cases to trial and have more than proven our ability to get results once there.
Schedule A Free Murder Defense Consultation
Talk to us — call 508-570-2025 or fill out our contact form to arrange a free initial consultation about murder or vehicular homicide charges.