Homicide is a wide-ranging term that encompasses all kinds of one person killing another. Homicide can both be lawful and unlawful. Lawful homicide includes: State-sanctioned homicide: Capital punishment enacted by duly authorized persons. Lawful police and military...
Boston Criminal Defense Blog
Can a teenager get their license back after a DUI?
License suspension or revocation is a common consequence of a DUI conviction. This penalty can negatively impact your teenager’s independence and your family's routines. Fortunately, most teenagers in Massachusetts can regain their driving licenses and privileges...
The impact of unlawful search and seizure in drug cases
In drug crime cases, one critical aspect is the search and seizure. The Fourth Amendment guarantees protections against unlawful searches and seizures, yet the nuances of this constitutional right can be complicated. If you are facing a charge for a drug crime, do you...
Can you refuse a breathalyzer test in Massachusetts?
When you get pulled over for operating under the influence (OUI) in Massachusetts, law enforcement would typically ask you to take a chemical test to measure your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). These tests, such as breathalyzers, play a crucial role in your OUI...
Carjacking is considered a violent crime
Carjacking is an act of violence committed with the intent to steal a vehicle and is prohibited according to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 265 Section 21A. The offense frequently entails the use of force, or the threat of it, to seize the victim's vehicle, and a...
What can lead to accessory to murder charges in Massachusetts?
You can be charged with being an accessory to murder if you assist in the commission or concealment of murder. You do not have to be present at the crime scene or directly participate in the killing to be considered an accessory. Depending on your involvement, you can...
What are the license penalties for an OUI conviction?
It is relatively common for people to underestimate the potential impact of drunk driving charges in Massachusetts. Drivers who get arrested for operating under the influence (OUI) charges are at risk of a variety of consequences, even if no crash occurs. State law...
What can you do when your driver’s license is suspended in Massachusetts?
Different reasons can lead to your driver's license being suspended in Massachusetts. These include being found responsible for three speeding tickets, refusing to submit to a lawful breathalyzer test and accumulating a total of three convictions for not having...
What are the penalties for violating a restraining order?
A restraining order is a court order that tells one person to stay away from another person to keep them safe from harassment, abuse, or threats. This order can be used to protect alleged victims of domestic violence, stalking or bullying. But what happens if the...
What are reasonable suspicion and probable cause?
There are specific standards that police officers have to meet in various situations. While they’re trained to know what standard applies and when, most people who interact with them may not have that same type of understanding. Because protecting your rights is one...