When you rob someone at gunpoint in Franklin, you're not just breaking local rules. You're violating state laws that carry heavy penalties. In Massachusetts, armed robbery is a felony offense. This means it's one of the most serious crimes you can commit. The...
Violent Crimes
What are the different types of homicides?
Homicide is a wide-ranging term that encompasses all kinds of one person killing another. Homicide can both be lawful and unlawful. Lawful homicide includes: State-sanctioned homicide: Capital punishment enacted by duly authorized persons. Lawful police and military...
Carjacking is considered a violent crime
Carjacking is an act of violence committed with the intent to steal a vehicle and is prohibited according to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 265 Section 21A. The offense frequently entails the use of force, or the threat of it, to seize the victim's vehicle, and a...
What can lead to accessory to murder charges in Massachusetts?
You can be charged with being an accessory to murder if you assist in the commission or concealment of murder. You do not have to be present at the crime scene or directly participate in the killing to be considered an accessory. Depending on your involvement, you can...
What are the penalties for violating a restraining order?
A restraining order is a court order that tells one person to stay away from another person to keep them safe from harassment, abuse, or threats. This order can be used to protect alleged victims of domestic violence, stalking or bullying. But what happens if the...
Does the state have to prove motive in a murder trial?
Have you ever heard the phrase, “no motive, no crime?” It’s a popular phrase that sums up the idea that a prosecutor can’t prove a homicide case when they can’t establish a motive for the defendant to act. It’s also untrue. While motive is very important in crime...
Knowing one’s options when accused of aggravated assault
While some altercations may lead to little more than a heated verbal dispute, there may always be a risk that a similar situation could grow out of hand and turn physical in nature. Being involved in a physical altercation can be stressful enough as is, but things may...
Teen arrested after fight, soaked victims with mace and bleach
In Massachusetts and elsewhere, some people choose to resolve conflict through violence. Sometimes, these altercations involve several people, and the incident can leave victims with serious injuries. Those who perpetrate violent acts against others face harsh...
Arrest made in seemingly random assault outside hospital
Sometimes events may seem as if they took place randomly. However, upon further investigation, details may explain why a particular incident occurred. In cases where it appears as if someone carried out a violent crime in a random fashion, additional information may...
Recent arrest results in man facing murder charge
Many people consider homicide charges among the worst allegations a person could face. Unfortunately, in these types of cases, outside parties are all too quick to condemn a suspect without having all the information or even understanding the evidence. Luckily, anyone...