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All about juvenile crimes in Massachusetts

On Behalf of | Jun 8, 2018 | Juvenile Crimes |

The juvenile justice system is in place in Massachusetts and throughout the country in an effort to help minors avoid being treated as adults. Many crimes committed by minors are just that, minor. They are not serious enough to warrant charges as an adult, which could put them at a disadvantage early on in life.

There is actually a limit as to the age of a juvenile. For the most part, juveniles cannot be charged if they are under the age of 7. Despite this, the parents of the juvenile could be held liable for the crime. The most prime ages for juvenile court are subjects between 7 and 15.

The most common subjects to appear in juvenile court age-wise are those as young as 12. Some juvenile suspects can be tried as adults, if approved by the court, based on the severity of the crime committed. For example, assault, murder, theft and some other serious crimes can lead to juveniles being charged and tried as adults.

Not all juvenile crimes will lead to a trial. Once it has been decided that a juvenile will remain a juvenile, a court officer will be assigned to the case. This person will then determine whether or not to proceed with filing charges, to handle the matter off the record or to drop the case.

Juvenile crimes, although most often minor in nature, can still pose a big problem for offenders. If they are charged and convicted often, the minor could wind up leading a life of crime in adulthood. Find a way to have your juvenile’s record wiped clean in Franklin.

Source: Findlaw, “Minor Crime Is a Major Ordeal,” accessed June 08, 2018

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