Living in Massachusetts can be one of the most enjoyable states in which to reside. It doesn’t come without responsibilities, though, and penalties when the law is broken. Like all other states, Massachusetts has violent crime laws in place to not only prevent them from happening but also to penalize those who commit such offenses. Today, we will take a look at the Massachusetts Sentencing Commission.
The Massachusetts Sentencing Commission was created in April 1994 with the passage of the truth in sentencing law, which is known as Chapter 432 from the Acts of 1993. There are 15 members that make up the commission. Of the 15 members, three of them are judges, three are defense counsel, three are prosecutors and the remaining members are representatives from the following entities:
- Massachusetts Sheriff’s Association
- Executive Office of Public Safety
- Parole Board
- Department of Corrections
- Victim Witness Assistance Board
- Office of the Commissioner of Probation
There is one person who serves as chair of the sentencing commission, which is based in Boston, Massachusetts. The goal of the commission is to create sentencing policies that are uniform, including intermediate sentences in the guidelines and creating systematic sentencing guidelines. All of this is done to help promote truth in the sentencing process within the state of Massachusetts and its justice system.
Violent crimes are still common throughout Massachusetts today. The Massachusetts Sentencing Commission was created to find uniformity in the guidelines used to sentence those charged with violent crimes. Being charged with a violent crime can change your life forever. Be sure to know the laws and possible sentences when faced with a criminal charge.