When a young person gets into legal trouble, it is typically the individual’s parents who end up having to handle a majority of the process as far as understanding the legal matters. Often, parents must work to understand the exact charges and how they can help their child defend against criminal charges as a juvenile. Unfortunately, it can be a difficult and complicated situation to face.
The parents of one teen in Massachusetts will likely be exploring ways to their help son after he was recently taken into custody. Reports stated that the teen was allegedly part of a large crowd that had gathered outside of a residential property. The reason for the crowd gathering was not explained in the report, but nonetheless, authorities received a call stating that someone in the crowd had a firearm.
Upon arrival, authorities located a 16-year-old boy who fit the description given by the caller, and during a pat frisk, officers purportedly found a loaded handgun in the boy’s possession. As a result, the teen was taken into custody and is facing the following charges:
- Unlawful possession of a firearm
- Unlawful possession of ammunition
- Carrying a loaded firearm
The consequences of any criminal charges at a young age can have lasting effects. The parents of this Massachusetts teen will certainly want to protect their son’s interests as well as possible, and gaining information on possible defense options is likely a positive step to take. It may seem frightening and stressful for everyone involved, but understanding the juvenile court process may prove useful.