State troopers in Massachusetts and other states are charged with keeping roads safe for all travelers. Along with patroling streets in their cruisers, law enforcement officers also take part in sobriety checkpoints to check for driver intoxication and other serious road-safety concerns. A recent sobriety checkpoint in Bristol County resulted in several arrests of individuals under suspicion of OUI.
Purpose of sobriety checkpoints
Over the weekend of April 29, officers with the Massachusetts State Police set up a sobriety checkpoint in Bristol County. Along with checking motorists for possible intoxication by alcohol and/or drugs, checkpoints also serve to raise public awareness of the dangers of intoxicated driving while reminding motorists they run the risk of getting into deep legal trouble if caught driving while under the influence. For this particular checkpoint, D Troop conducted the process in Raynham with the assistance of a Blood Testing Vehicle.
Officers conduct sobriety checkpoints at varying times, and they do not arbitrarily select vehicles. Authorities want to assure the public that all safety measures will be enforced, and they provide advance notice of the checkpoint to help mitigate fear and anxiety from motorists. This recent checkpoint reportedly resulted in several arrests; however, no specifics were given with regard to individual cases.
Right to defense
Whether from a normal traffic stop or because of a sobriety checkpoint, those who find themselves arrested for OUI face potentially harsh consequences if convicted. Convictions for OUI can cause a motorist to lose his or her license along with other repercussions, including serving jail time and paying exorbitant fees. Considering all that is at stake, anyone charged with OUI in Massachusetts will want to work closely with an experienced criminal defense attorney from the start to help the client obtain the most favorable outcome possible.