License suspension or revocation is a common consequence of a DUI conviction. This penalty can negatively impact your teenager’s independence and your family’s routines. Fortunately, most teenagers in Massachusetts can regain their driving licenses and privileges after some time.
Suspension periods for teenagers
If an individual under 21 is charged with a DUI, they will face different consequences than an adult. This includes suspension periods and requirements to reinstate their license. Since Massachusetts has an implied consent law, refusing a breathalyzer test can also cause penalties.
The length of the suspension depends on the offender’s age, previous convictions, and specific circumstances. If your teenager is facing a DUI, a criminal defense attorney can help you learn and evaluate your options. Under certain conditions, you may be able to appeal the dictated suspension.
Youth alcohol program
In addition to penalties, teenagers will also face a Youth Alcohol Program (YAP) suspension. First offenders under 18 will receive a one-year suspension. Still, they can reduce this time by six months if they attend the program.
Similarly, individuals between 18 and 20 will face a six-month suspension potentially reduced upon attendance to YAP. They must provide proof of entry to reduce their suspension period. However, if your teenager has previous DUI convictions, they cannot reduce their suspension through YAP attendance.
Avoid recurring charges
If you want to avoid long suspension periods, your teenager must prevent future charges. Recurring offenses usually cause more severe penalties and extended suspension periods. If your child was charged with a DUI, supporting them through the process and helping them understand the consequences of their actions can help them in the long run.